Wednesday 24 June 2020

My menus...

                          Here are some menus that I wrote the first one is a pizza menu and it has all of
                                                             my favorite pizzas and my favorite dessert.

Kids pizza menu

Cheese pizza 

Cheese pizza with high quality barbecue sauce and extra slimy cheese and fat crunchy crust. 


Ham & pineapple pizza 

A deelishis mix of fresh ham,pineapple,cheese and a nice thin layer of crust on the outside.


Pepperoni pizza

A fun mix of fresh pepperoni and some fresh cheese with deelishis crust.


kids Desert

Cheese cake

A freshly baked cheesecake straight out of the oven with a cherry on top.


Here is my menu of disgusting food.

Kids menu

Broccoli & spinach

A disgusting little tree with spinach that tastes like vomit.


Green beans

Really repulsive eataball green balls that taste disgusting. 


Brussel sprouts

5 little cabgs that I eat in my nightmares.


Vegetable smoothie

Some broccoli,spinach,green beans and brussel sprouts all in one smoothie.


Tuesday 16 June 2020

Bubble art

We gathered around Koka Holly to find out how to make bubble art. FIrst you get a black paper and a
white pastel. After that you find a circle object around the class, then you trace around the circle with a
white pastel. Finally you can make a pretty fat line on the edge of your circle and then do the same on
the opposite side of the circle. Now the fun part ,get some colourful pastels and draw lines on the edge
of your circle which is now a bubble!

Now it's my turn to make bubble art. I went to get a piece of paper and a white pastel, then I went to find
a circle object. I went into Moana 2 and I saw something straight away. It was a circle thing that holds
pens. I got out my pastel and traced around it and I got a perfect circle. Then I drew the pretty fat lines
on the edge of the circle. I was saving the colors for later. I found some other things and traced around and
then I did the same thing.

Before I knew it it was pack up time so I got all of my stuff together and put my white pastel back.
Then the bell rang and the teacher let us go. I think it was fun but it was sad that I didn't get to finish.     

Here is a picture of mine so far.

Friday 12 June 2020


I was standing on the top of the skate ramp about to drop in, I pushed down my front foot and started to go down the skate ramp. I was getting ready to do a trick on the other side of the ramp. I did a fat disaster (A disaster is a skateboarding trick) and sadly I slid out. But I got right back up to try it again.

I was standing at the top of the ramp again. I was waiting for my turn. Finally it was my turn. I got my skateboard ready and then I put my feet on my board. I pushed my front foot down and got ready to do a disaster on the side. My front wheels started to get some air then my back wheels popped off the coping. I was high up in the air then I came down and landed smoothly and safely.

After I landed that trick I was feeling pretty good. Then I put a ramp by the mini ramp and tried to 360 on to the ramp. But sadly I didn’t manage to pull it off and before I knew it, Discovery was over.

Thursday 4 June 2020

first week back at school

First week back at school after 8 weeks of lockdown. I was feeling pretty nervous and excited but I couldn't wait to see my friends and to get away from my brother. Then the bell rang. I ran to my class room and put some hand sanitizer on then I sat on the mat.

Then the teacher told us what we will be doing for the next few weeks and it turns out that we are doing the same type of learning that the teachers sent us in lockdown to settle back into learning. After that we got right into work which was kind of difficult. But after one or two days I got used to it.

At the end of the week I was feeling super happy after seeing my friends and getting to play on the field with my friends. It was good to have some teachers around.