Kids pizza menu
Cheese pizza
Cheese pizza with high quality barbecue sauce and extra slimy cheese and fat crunchy crust.
Ham & pineapple pizza
A deelishis mix of fresh ham,pineapple,cheese and a nice thin layer of crust on the outside.
Pepperoni pizza
A fun mix of fresh pepperoni and some fresh cheese with deelishis crust.
kids Desert
Cheese cake
A freshly baked cheesecake straight out of the oven with a cherry on top.
Here is my menu of disgusting food.
Kids menu
Broccoli & spinach
A disgusting little tree with spinach that tastes like vomit.
Green beans
Really repulsive eataball green balls that taste disgusting.
Brussel sprouts
5 little cabgs that I eat in my nightmares.
Vegetable smoothie
Some broccoli,spinach,green beans and brussel sprouts all in one smoothie.